Production Blog


Hey cuties! So today I'm mostly focusing on making sure everything flows nicely together. I think I'm going to make some changes to the fonts. I liked them when I first started but now I feel as if they're too much. I also figured out a way to include cats. Which I am very happy about. I have been working on making my transitions smoother. I'm feeling pretty proud of what it is currently looking like. I asked for a few of my friends opinions and they all seem to like it so far. I don't think I have much editing left to do. I'm definitely going to be doing some final tweaks soon. But for right now I'm mostly focusing on the smoothness of it all. I want to make sure it looks very pretty. I'm also again just trying to slim some of it down. It feels slightly too long. I finally picked out what song I want to use and I made sure it syncs up with the video and transitions! I'm enjoying how it looks so far. As usual, I will update you again soon. I hope you have a good day. Bye lovelies!


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