Costumes! - Production Blog

Hey cuties, so today we’re going to be talking about costumes! So for the costumes I was thinking long and hard about what I wanted to do. I had a general concept but I was still very in between ideas. So I went on Pinterest and started looking at some inspiration. I ended up finding outfits that I thought would fit really well with our ‘God’ character. For her I had already previously known that I wanted to be very feminine and very light. I wanted her to remind me of divine femininity. As soon as I picked exactly what I wanted for her I started thinking about how I could differentiate her and the humans. Thats when I decided I wanted them to have completely different color schemes. I started looking for darker outfits that I thought complimented her clothing very well. I also had to take into consideration where the characters would be. I wanted the clothing to be practical and comfortable. I didn't want them wearing winter clothes if it is 90° outside. I also had to think about if I would want to wear the clothes. I wouldn't want to wear clothes I didn't feel good in so I'm definitely going to ask the actors beforehand. With the ideas I have now I think everything's going to come out really good and I think they'll look really good together. Anyway, that will be all for today. Bye lovelies!


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