We’re a TEAM!!

Hey cuties! Today I wanted to tell you who I’m working with. I will be working with three other people; Alexandra Soto; Kaylee West; and An Alysse McComie-Waterman! I chose to work with these three people because they’re my friends! I also trust that I’ll be able to work well with them. I feel like I get along with them really well. I also have class with them in the same period. Doing things during the class period will help so much. It allows me to talk about anything important I need to. I made two different group chats- one group chat has all three of us and the other has our actors as well as us. Picking a song was super easy for us. I suggested Violent Vira for the artist we use-I love her so much- and so everyone in the group listened to a few of her songs and we went on from there. We decided on three songs and then  gave ideas for each, however, you don’t get to hear about that now because that isn’t what this is about. I’m seriously so glad that we don’t have total opposite music tastes. That would’ve made this process really annoying. We chose the song we did because we had an amazing idea for it. I thought doing something that involved love would be great. From there we decided what type of love we wanted and starting writing out concept ideas! I love the song and idea we chose to do. I’m so happy with my group, although, I did wish that we could have more people. But it doesn’t change anything majorly. Anyway I hope you have an amazing rest of your day. Bye lovelies!


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