Hey cuties! So the editing process was finally finished today. It was honestly an easy process but kind of stress inducing. Nothing looked right, or something was a little off. It was just a lot sometimes. Someone in the group would like something but someone else wouldn’t and it was hard to agree. However, the group persevered. I personally like the way the editing turned out. There are some bits and pieces that weren’t exactly how I wanted but there’s not much I can do about it now. During this process I realized how hard it is to jump from one clip to another without it looking so blocky. I kept trying different ways and no matter what it always looked at least a little bit blocky and it honestly hurt my head a lot. It was also annoying because I’m an extreme perfectionist and nothing was perfect. Nothing was exactly how I wanted it to be. But I guess I do need to get over it so it was a pretty good thing that it didn’t go exactly as I wanted it to. Even with all the things that went wrong, I was still very happy with how it turned out. It’s not the best music video I have ever seen but it is so far from the worst. I really didn’t like having to cut up this song though. I never knew how hard it is to cut up a song and still have it seem like you didn’t. Anyway, that’s all for today. Have an amazing day. Bye lovelies!


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