It’s like music to my ears! - Music Blog
Hey cuties! The process of selecting the music for our film’s introduction is a fun yet hard task that sets the tone for the entire film. It all begins with immersing myself in the story, understanding its nuances, and envisioning how music can enhance the narrative. With each project, I strive to evoke emotions, captivate audiences, and create a memorable audiovisual journey. Collaboration is essential as my team and I are working very hard to figure things out. Experimentation is key as my team and I try to figure out what it is that we want the music to say exactly. As the director, I trust my instincts and rely on intuition to guide me through the creative process, knowing that the right musical choice can make all the difference. Each sound we consider carries its own unique energy. Ultimately, the goal is to create a symbiotic relationship between music and storytelling, where each complements and enhances the other in perfect harmony. That’s all for today. Bye lovelies!
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