Maybe editing isn’t so stressful - (Editing Blog)


Hey cuties! Kaylee and I just finished our editing. Our team came to a decision, this decision being that we will be using Kaylees edited version. With some of the editing used by my version, our videos is almost complete. I finally decided on music to use. I chose two different songs, one by Power Music Factor and the other by Elysium Audio Labs. Honestly, I’m pretty happy with the music we used. I was stressing out about it at first but seeing it with the edited version made it so much better. Kaylee honestly did a wonderful job with the editing. I’m so glad that she was chosen to edit our film. I was a little bummed out that we didn’t choose my version but at the end of the day, hers was best for our film. Again not much had to be done for the editing but what was done added so so much to it. I am so proud of it. I’m so proud of everyone role in the film. Everyone had roles and responsibilities and Kaylee definitely shined through. Anyway that’s all for today. Have a wonderful day. Bye lovelies!


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