We need to figure out exactly what we’re gonna do! (Pre-production) - Production Blog


Hey cuties! I’m very excited to start filming. I already chose our location. I planned out what we wanted to do and today I made sure the location was perfect for the atmosphere I wanted to create. Each element of production design has been meticulously planned, from the set dressing to the props, ensuring that every detail aligns with the vision of the script. I’m also trying to figure out what I want the characters to wear, I haven’t chosen exactly what the vibe of the costumes will be. I started filming some of the scenes so far just to see what angles I want to do and I think I’ve decided how I am going to film. Since sound is so crucial for our video, Kaylee has been testing out the best way to show what I’m going for. Every sound that we allow will be carefully chosen as to show the feelings I would like to convey. I’ve also been playing with lighting as it helps mirror the themes that are being explored in our script. The filming will be taken place February 16th and I know it’s gonna work out really well. Greg will be playing as one of the actors and I’ve been helping him work on his facial especially so that everything can be perfect. That’s all for now. Bye lovelies!


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